Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First ever Nationals game!!

Got to go with my friends to the Nats game today. And I had a lot of fun!!!!! Especially because, after the Nationals won the game (4-3 against the Marlins), all the kids got to run around the bases. And so Naveh, Segev, and I got to run around all the bases at Nationals stadium!


Six Flags!!!

Oh my goodness!!! I had so much fun with my mommies and my Bubby at Six Flags Great America!

We started by getting wet...really wet...on some ride that was really short, and pretty much all it did was send us through a giant sheet of water. We might as well have jumped into a pool with our clothes on! But I loved it, wish we could have gone again and again. Bubby, of course, did not go on that ride with us!

In fact, Bubby only went on one ride...and she was terrified!

But I had lots and lots and lots of fun. I can't wait to go back...hey Mommy...please, can we go tomorrow????

Monday, July 04, 2011

Swimming on the 4th of July!!!

I love Daleview Pool...and I especially love the diving board!! Cannonball jumps, pencil jumps, walking off the end of the board, and...
...even occasionally doing a bellyflop when I try to dive!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm playing the violin!!

Look at the Variety Show at the end of the school year!!


Ooooohhhh....I had fun seeing alligators (and wearing alligators!) on our trip to New Orleans back in May!!! :-))))

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Jack and Annie!!

I got to go and see Jack and Annie (from the Magic Treehouse books) today! It was so cool...they had a new mission--to get kids to read--and they came and did a show where lots of kids could see them and I got to go! :-)

And they even stamped my books and gave me a passport at the end. And my moms were really nice and got me a new Jack and Annie book, and a Jack and Annie puzzle book...

And it was an especially fun day, because before I saw Jack and Annie we went to Dinosaur Day at Watkins Park...where I got to see a puppet show with dinosaurs (and my mommy was kind of tired and falling asleep during it!) and an animal show where they had a cool owl and I got to pet a lizard. And it was sunny...and then it hailed...and then it was sunny again.

Soccer tomorrow is going to seem boring compared to all of this fun stuff!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Diorama--La Noche

So, I had to do a diorama for homework.  We all got a time of day...I had to do "Noche" or "Nightime" and I had to do a diorama that showed what I did each evening...

Here's a picture of my diorama.  In case you are wondering, the things hanging from the top are the planets...I have all nine planets hanging in my room...but, they are NOT bigger than my head.  Let's just call it artistic license!  :-)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wanna see me ski?????

Ski lessons!

So my moms decided it was time for me to learn how to ski, so we went to Whitetail resort in Pennsylvania with our friends Alex and Robin. My moms got me a cool red helmet, so I don't break my head when I am my usual crazy self! I took two lessons, then we went up on the lift a lot of times and I skied down by myself! I'm ready for next ski season -- maybe I'll even try snowboarding like Mama.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Fun with Cousin Emmy and Aunt Charlene

So my cousin Emmy and my aunt Charlene came for a surprise visit -- and of course I had lots of fun. Thanks to my cousin for letting me play games on her phone! I was a little difficult during picture taking, of course!