So, today was my five week birthday. And, in celebration, I got to go to the pediatrician's office. Not bad, although they do that irritating thing where they stick those pointy lights in your nose and eyes. Excuse me, but I don't want anything but my fingers poking me in those places--so I screamed...and screamed. I stopped once they did--that'll teach 'em.

But it was fun learning how much bigger I've gotten. All that eating that I'm doing is paying off. Here's my stats: I weigh 11 pounds, 7 ounces. That's almost 3 pounds heavier than when I was born, and it puts me in the 83rd percentile for weight. As a point of reference, the 12 week old
baby panda at the national zoo weighs just 11 pounds and 4 ounces.
I'm now 23 inches long...2 inches more than on day one, and in the 90th percentile for height. And my head is pretty big too--40 centimeters around, and the 84 percentile for head size. No wonder my moms keep talking about how heavy I am and I keep outgrowing my clothes.
So, I thought I'd post a comparison picture of me in my car seat. Do you think I look bigger than the day I came home from the hospital?

And I couldn't resist throwing in this other little photo of me. You never really can have enough milk, can you?