Hello World!! I was born on August 31, 2005 at 9:15 am, Washington, D.C. time. I'm looking forward to this whole living thing, and to meeting all of you--I keep hearing my mommies mention your names!
My mommies think that it's too hot to go hashing, so we've mostly been heading to the pool. But then I heard them talking about some beach hash on an island in a lagoon. And then, before I knew it, we were off on an adventure last Saturday! This wasn't much like any other hash I've been on...I mean, we still drove forever on really terrible roads. But then, instead of going for a hike, we went for a boat ride through a lagoon! And at the end of the boat ride, we landed on a beach that was just right for Sedjro and I to play on, because the water was only about 1.5 feet deep!
On the ride home, the guy who operated our little boat gave Sedjro and I fish to hold. He owned a restaurant and had been fishing for our dinner. He gave us the fish that were too small to cook!!
This is the view from the restaurant. I told my mommies I wanted them to take a picture of the "beautiful mountains!"
I also have some videos to show you, but my mommies are having technical difficulties getting them to upload. So, hopefully you'll get to see them soon in another post...
The best part about being two is getting to go to birthday parties. Especially birthday parties where they tell me to dress up as a prince...but since I don't have any prince costumes, I dressed up as a pirate! The party was for two little twin girls who are turning three (they, of course, were princesses). They're just a month older than me...which means that I'm going to turn three soon also!!! And I'll get to have a birthday party and I'll get to blow out candles. How cool is that?
Why do people always want to make us all stand together and take pictures? Don't they know that we just want to run around and play or eat cake or cry?
It's okay though, I got to eat lots of cake and candy later!
And would you believe that I won a race? Yep, me. I was the fastest of the two year old crew. 'Course, I'm also the oldest of the two year old crew. Good thing I don't have to race the three year olds.... yet.....
So, have I mentioned that my preschool is closed? I mean, not just closed 'cuz it's summer, but really closed. My mommy told me it was closed, but I didn't really understand until my mommy and I went to visit miss Elham, and she took us downstairs to show us the preschool rooms. All the toys were gone! And all the shelves, and posters, and chalkboards, and the tent and table and everything were all gone. She's turning it into a tea house, and there won't be any more preschool there, and all my friends will go to school somewhere else.
And my mommy has to find me a new preschool for next year. She's trying to decide between a new Montessori school that just opened near our house and the International School. I think that as long as they have toys and friends for me, I will be happy.
But since I loved my preschool, I wanted to say mirupafshim (goodbye) on my blog. And, of course, my mommy couldn't let preschool close without taking pictures and videos of me!! Bye bye preschool...thank you for lots of fun since I first came to Albania.
On the last day (June 20), we got to be blindfolded and play a game where we tried to find the candies. And my mommy even let me eat the candies!!!
And my mommy made me put up this video, too. It's one of her favorite songs that we sang at preschool....
So, my mommies and I went to Budapest at the end of last month. We had a great time...and we had even more fun because our friend Bruna also stayed with us. Bruna, of course, loves me. In fact, Bruna says that "Loving Levi doesn't make you special...everyone loves Levi!"
Budapest was great because I got to go on an airplane to get there, and then I got to take trains, buses, boats, taxis, and even a funicular while we were there. How fun is that?!?!
And, oh yeah, it was really hot, so I also got to eat ice cream. :-)
My mama was a little sad because her wallet got stolen from a locker at the spa while she was getting a massage. But she seemed happier after the airline gave us money to make up for getting bumped from our flight on the way the way home. And my mommies even used some of the money to buy me toys in the Munich airport. (Note from the mommmies: we weren't so happy about getting home 10 hours later and having to detour through Germany...but 750 Euros cash in our pocket sure made us feel better about the whole thing!)
I'm pretty advanced--I started blogging when I was only 12 days old. I was just born on August 31, 2005, and I'm still getting the hang of being out in the world.