Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Phones, stories, and Bubby!!
My Bubby sent a fun e-mail about me to my moms....and they decided that they wanted to share it with you!!! See how cute I am?
Dear Mindy and Melissa,
Just to let you know I had such a fun conversation with Levi today! I have really noticed how much his conversational skills have been developing the last several months.
I was telling him a story about a little boy in India who wears brightly-colored garments ( I named all the colors), and how he encounters tigers in the jungle who agree not to eat him if he gives each of them a piece of his clothing for them to wear. Then the tigers all get into a big fight over which of them is the most handsome tiger in the jungle, so they take off the garments to protect them while they get in the fight. Then the little boy steals back his clothing and runs safely home. ( I was trying to improvise on an Indian folktale I read.)
So while I was telling him the story, I asked him what colors he was wearing. He began telling me, and that's why he ran to Mindy to help him take off his outer shirt so he could see what colors he had underneath. And when he came back I asked him what color his shoes were, he was on the point of going to find them because he was barefoot so he could tell me, but luckily I was able to keep him on the phone for that part. Too funny!
I also mentioned I could only tell him one story because I was going to get a haircut, so he mentioned that he doesn't get haircuts anymore. Is he turning into Sampson?
He seems insatiable about hearing stories. I have trouble keeping up with him because he doesn't want to hear a story twice. I only know so many stories, and making them up is often problematic because he wants to hear them on unusual topics, like sea urchins---naturally I don't have many sea urchin stories in my repertoire, so I make up weird stories as I go. But he remembers every detail, and if I tell any story twice or repeat something in the story, he is quick to remind me that I remembered it wrong or that I already told him that one (it might have even been months ago, but he remembers!) Once I thought I could get away with telling him a dinosaur story with a giraffe in it, but he immediately told me that giraffes didn't live at the same time as dinosaurs! You guys must have to be quick-witted many times with his sharpness!
I am sure you could regale me with many of the amusing things he says and does, so I hope you will remember some of them to tell me on the phone or put in an email.
Love, Mom (aka Bubby)
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Gazeta Shqiptare, 09 Feb 2010. Dy Lesbike Americane ne Tirane.
My mommies are in Gazeta Shqiptare, one of the major Albanian daily papers!! Check it out!!!
Gazeta Shqiptare
09 Feb 2010

Gazeta Shqiptare
09 Feb 2010

Gazeta Shqiptare
09 Feb 2010

Gazeta Shqiptare
09 Feb 2010
Gazeta Shqiptare
09 Feb 2010
Gazeta Shqiptare
09 Feb 2010
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