Today was my first Thanksgiving. I may be little, but I think I have a lot to be thankful for. I have my mommies who love me very much. I have my great Uncle Julian and my great Aunt Sandra who also think I'm pretty cool, and who had me over for Thanksgiving dinner (but once again, no one gave me any of the good smelling food--they didn't even give me the soup, which I could have eaten with no teeth). And, I'm also thankful for all my other wonderful people who I didn't get to see today, but who I know love to come and smile at me. Of course, I'm most of all thankful for all the fun toys that I have on my play yard and my car seat--especially now that I can grab and tug on them!

Okay...I know it's
Thanksgiving and all, but a stuffed turkey in my car seat? Come on now people...I may not be able to talk or anything, but these is getting a little ridiculous don't you think? What if I decide to follow in tia TJ's footsteps and be a vegetarian?

So yesterday was my first snow. I'm not really all that impressed. I mean, it's kinda cold, and it didn't even stay on the ground long enough for me to have a picture in it. And I wanted to build a snowmom. Maybe next time.

Do you think that a flash going off in your eyes constantly can cause a problem? Maybe my mommies should ask the pediatrician.
I love the quirky pictures the most. Like the one where Levi is on his boppy, looking out at you like "What???"
Levi, you're one adorable human being!!! Thanks for enduring the flashes so that we may take a peak at you any time!
Danielle Katz
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