I'm officially a shrimp -- I took my first swimming "shrimp" class last Saturday at the Y.

The water was a little cold, but I got to play with a blue boat and a big yellow thing called a noodle.

I was only skeptical when my moms followed the instructor's directions and put my face in the water. Why would anyone want to do that? Especially when there is a yummy blue boat to chew on.

The best part was I got to wear my new cute swimming trunks.
Here's me in action...
OK, Levi, I'm not much of a commenter--more of a silent-lurking-blog-reader-type (in addition to being rough and tumble, of course), but you are just TOO CUTE to stay quiet about!!!
And tell your Mommies that they are in BIG TROUBLE for keeping Liza and Jill a secret.
That looked like SO MUCH FUN! Noah is totally taking infant swim classes.
(Hey, Jet, are there any rough and tumble, infant-toddler swim classes around here? In the next 90 days?)
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