After the parade started, we watched for a while and then walked back along the parade route and got to see almost all of the marchers and the floats. We saw so many people...Frances, my cousin Dia, Nicole, Ruti, and Naveh, and so many more. And everyone gave me fun stuff!! I loved the beads, and the beach ball from Whole Foods is great fun to chase around the house. And I was hungry, so a drag queen from one of the floats gave me not one, not two, but THREE bananas from the float.

On Sunday we went to the festival. I got to ride in the backpack carrier--which meant that I could see almost everything! Not just peoples' legs, like when I'm in the stroller. And the beach ball was attached so I always had something to play with.
And guess what else? I learned how to clap! The best part about clapping is that when I clap, my mommies clap back. How cool is that? I can make them do it whenever I want to. Hee hee hee...
LOVE the "got grits?" shirt. And the picture of Levi cracking up.
I loved that pictures of you at the parade. I can't wait until you come see us in charleston. My little boy Scott is excited about "baby Levi" coming. Do your mommies let you have real grits yet????
I tell you what -- you're the CUTEST baby I've ever seen! Keep smiling!!!!!
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