So, tonight's my last night in town. Tomorrow my mommies and I head off to Albania. They seem a little stressed out about the plane flight. And I think I even heard them joking about some plan to sit up in business class together and leave me in coach...can you imagine!?! Nope, nope, nope...I get to be in business class and mommy Mindy and mama Melissa have to switch off between coach and business. Hee, hee, hee.... (I don't really understand why we can't all sit together, but I think I heard the big people saying something about how the federal government doesn't recognize mommy Mindy. Seems silly to me--mommy Mindy is definitely part of the family, even when she makes me take horrible naps!)
So, I have lots and lots of pictures that I haven't put up yet. That's 'cuz I got to see lots of people in the last couple of weeks.
Uncle Bryan came to visit and I'm so glad that he came to play with me!

I went to the zoo with Kathi and mommy Mindy and saw panda bears, lions, giraffes, elephants and more! But what I really loved were all the statues of animals.

Mimi and Tia TJ spent lots of time with me, taking me to the zoo, playing at the playground, and chasing me around the house!

I went down to South Carolina to visit my Granny and Grandpappy.

And I got to spend a fun evening with my Uncle Julian and Aunt Sandra.
I have more to post about, like Robin and Te's very fun wedding today. They may have been the center of attention...but just for a couple hours! The rest of the time it's me, all me! Mazel Tov to them, and pictures will be up soon. In the meantime, the next post will be coming to you direct from my new home, Tirana, Albania.
Safe travels! I'll look forward to updates!
Love, Jenell
COME BACK, LEVI. We don't blame you for your mommy and mama's cockamamie idea. In the U.S., you can go to Disneyland every day and we will even buy you a monkey. And a pony. We miss and love you more than you will ever know. XOXO
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