I had a very eventful weekend. I have a little fascination with lamps...they're so fun to shake. And I know that my mommies always get very upset with me when I do this...and now I know why.
I had a quick opportunity to grab a floor lamp and give it a good shake..and then suddenly there was a loud crash and glass flew. Mommy Mindy was very upset and yelled, "No, Levi!" But then she saw my face and got even more upset. I guess one of those pieces of glass managed to give me a pretty good cut on my cheek. Lots of things started happening...bandaids flew, antibacterial ointment was spread, and panicked phone calls were made. I felt fine and mostly wanted to wander around looking at my toys. Then I was whisked into the car (and given a teething biscuit...yippee!)
Everything was fine until we got to the embassy where I was taken to see Mr. Rob, the medical officer. Then I got held down by three people (including my mommies) while Mr. Rob gave me a shot in the face (local anesthetic) and then three horrible stitches. This required hysterical crying on my part...I mean, really, would you have done anything differently? I stopped once it was all over--it didn't hurt when they weren't messing around with it.
Maybe the hike that I got to take on Saturday sort of made up for it all. My wonderful preschool teacher and her family took me and my mommies up into the mountains. I got to go in the backpack carrier and see everything! And my preschool teacher and her husband and especially her two kids are the most fun. Best of all, they LOVE me.