But the good news is that I look really, really cute in the new Mickey Mouse outfit that I got from Grandpa Ron. I just wish I could wear it to the family Hanukah party to show my Aunt Holly!

Hello World!! I was born on August 31, 2005 at 9:15 am, Washington, D.C. time. I'm looking forward to this whole living thing, and to meeting all of you--I keep hearing my mommies mention your names!
Yeah, you're right, he's pretty darn cute. FYI there was an article about Albania in the International Herald Tribune the other day. Talks about what a wonderful and interesting place it is to visit. Take care and maybe see you there! Valerie, Anat, and Hillel.
Ok, ok, so life is interesting and so are lamps. But, learn from me...don´t shake things too much. Some fun is best left unhad (word?). But, obviously, you are still beautiful. OBVIOUSLY!!!
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