But, in the meantime, my mommies took me to Dhermi. Boy, the car ride was long...but, hey, as long as they let me watch "Cars" on my little DVD player, it's not so bad. Oh, and I like watching those videos with the singing letters, too! "'A' says 'Ah', every letter makes a sound, 'A' says 'Ah'" Ooops, got a little off-track there....I was going to tell you about the beach!
And, what's not to love about the beach?! Rocks...lots and lots of them. And nobody yells at me if I throw them in the water! Sand. My buddy Ollie and his family to play with. Water that I get to swim in. And lots and lots of room to run around! Yep, I had fun at the beach.

Levi, I love your new haircut! Bubby Lynne
Levi has a great career as a "rock relocation expert." Uncle Arnie
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