Friday, February 23, 2007


Oh...and did I mention that I learned a new word today? I'm not sure how many words I can say now, but I'll at least try to repeat almost anything you say to me...and now you can add every toddler's favorite to the list. Yep...those magic two letters, "N" & "O" crossed my lips. So far, I just sort of enjoy repeating it...and not very forcefully yet. But, I've waited a long, long time to get to this fun little word, and now my mommies are really in for it. They've been lucky that up until now I've been much more interested in learning how to say more complicated things like "statue," "butterfly," "basketball hoop," "mommy" and "mama," and, of course, the all-important, "ball!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Bubby Lynne wants everyone to know that she sent a cute picture of me to a magazine named "Woman's World" and they are going to publish it. You can buy it at the market checkstand beginning this April 10. Does that mean I will be famous?