Thursday, November 24, 2005

My first Thanksgiving

Today was my first Thanksgiving. I may be little, but I think I have a lot to be thankful for. I have my mommies who love me very much. I have my great Uncle Julian and my great Aunt Sandra who also think I'm pretty cool, and who had me over for Thanksgiving dinner (but once again, no one gave me any of the good smelling food--they didn't even give me the soup, which I could have eaten with no teeth). And, I'm also thankful for all my other wonderful people who I didn't get to see today, but who I know love to come and smile at me. Of course, I'm most of all thankful for all the fun toys that I have on my play yard and my car seat--especially now that I can grab and tug on them!

Okay...I know it's Thanksgiving and all, but a stuffed turkey in my car seat? Come on now people...I may not be able to talk or anything, but these is getting a little ridiculous don't you think? What if I decide to follow in tia TJ's footsteps and be a vegetarian?

So yesterday was my first snow. I'm not really all that impressed. I mean, it's kinda cold, and it didn't even stay on the ground long enough for me to have a picture in it. And I wanted to build a snowmom. Maybe next time.

Do you think that a flash going off in your eyes constantly can cause a problem? Maybe my mommies should ask the pediatrician.

All the blog in a Kodak Gallery! kept asking for it, I kept bugging my mommies...and finally they put up all the blog photos (and a few extras) in an online Kodak gallery. Browse to your heart's content! No need to log in--just look for the link that says "View photos without signing in."

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I had fun this weekend....

My mommies went crazy with that thing that flashes in my eyes this weekend, so I've posted a few pictures to show what a good time I had.

This is me in my nursery hanging out...

and on the changing table in one of my better moments...

I really love my play yard with all the fun toys hanging above.

I especially like the toy with the mirror in the middle so I can look at myself while I play.

My mommies are very excited when I grab at the toys hanging down -- supposedly it is some kind of milestone or something -- whatever! I'm just having fun.

And then, I got to wear my cool tie-dyed onesie (thanks to my buddies Mattan, Naveh and Segev for the hand-me-down) over to Vicky's house for brunch. All in all, a great weekend!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

My very first bike ride!

Today was a very special day -- I took my very first bike ride ... and I loved it!

My mommies got an email from Jill, their friend who owns Proteus bike store (see my earlier post for my first visit there), about a ride this weekend and they decided to risk going. Would I be screamy, or sleepy, or happy, or sad? I hadn't quite made up my mind before we left. They put me in this nifty yellow trailer that Jill (she's in this picture with Mama Melissa) brought along, and I got to sit up in my carseat and see everything.

What could be cooler than that?!? Especially since I didn't have to pedal, and I could suck my thumb whenever I wanted. The only thing I didn't like was stopping, so I screamed until Mama Melissa rode on. (This screaming thing is very should try it sometime.)

We stopped halfway through and I had my lunch while everyone else had something called gelato. It looked good -- I don't know why nobody gave me any.

I had fun meeting everyone in the group, and once again, I got to be the center of attention!
Can't wait for the next ride....

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hey -- what about Aunt Heather?

I keep telling my mommies -- when are you going to put pictures of me with Aunt Heather on my blog? I had such a good time with her when she visited -- we bonded over our mutual desire to be the center of attention at all times. And she helped with reorganizing the kitchen, and cooked meals, all so my mommies could feed me and play with me more. So finally, my nagging has paid off...

But wait, there's more...a video with Aunt Heather's first reaction upon meeting me...

By the Numbers: My two month pediatrician appointment.

My Bubby Lynne came to visit this week. She always looks at me with these googly eyes. I mean, everyone should look at me like that...but grandmothers do it the best! We did lots of fun things--had lunch and dinner with Tia Tj and Mimi Marina, went to the Brazilian embassy (total time we really need to bring a Brazilian besides me...I can't even talk, let alone speak Portugese!), and went to the pediatrician's office.

Today is my 10 week birthday. Wanna know how big I am now? I know my mommies did. So here're the numbers:

Weight: 15lbs, 2 oz. (96th, that's not a typo!)
Length: 23 and 3/4 inches (71st percentile)
Head Circumference: 41 and 1/4 centemeters (73rd percentile)

So I guess I am really big and heavy. Still, I don't think my mommies should complain...after all, they're the ones who keep feeding me!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Pictures of Me

So, a picture of me made it onto another blog! One more place for me to be the center of attention! Of course, the blog is my mommies' friend Liza's blog, and the photo was from her and her partner Jill's baby shower, so I suppose the real center of attention is actually Lil' Smudge. But, until he actually arrives, I'm happy to be the currently featured baby!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Nisha Masi comes to visit...

I'm so excited!!! Nisha came to visit me :-) And we got to do lots of fun things. I got to hang out with her on Halloween and give out candy in my giraffe outfit. Even better, I learned about and we got to celebrate Diwali (the festival of lights) together. And, when I was crying she figured out this really comfortable way to hold me so that I can stop feeling fussy. I hope she comes back a lot...I miss her already.