Sunday, September 23, 2007

a little bit of politics

So, usually I just post about me and all of my adventures (I mean, that is the most important thing, right?), but every now and then I'm moved to post something else. Today is one of those days.

On September 18 the Maryland Supreme Court decided in a 4-3 decision that same-sex couples in Maryland were not entitled to all of the rights and responsibilities of marriage. This decision tells my mommies and me that the State of Maryland views us as less important and less deserving of equal protection under the law. Even living here in Albania, this news was deeply disappointing to us. We urge everyone to support Equality Maryland as they move this struggle to the State legislature.

But, today, we saw a beacon of hope in the September 20 press conference statement of Republican Mayor Jerry Sanders of San Diego. Our thanks and deep appreciation go out to him for his politically courageous stance in conservative San Diego. It's heartening to see that there are people whose conscience still compels them to stand up for equality even if it is not the path of least political resistance. Please watch...and please send him a note of thanks. I hope some of the of the presidential candidates are listening.

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