Sunday, November 13, 2005

My very first bike ride!

Today was a very special day -- I took my very first bike ride ... and I loved it!

My mommies got an email from Jill, their friend who owns Proteus bike store (see my earlier post for my first visit there), about a ride this weekend and they decided to risk going. Would I be screamy, or sleepy, or happy, or sad? I hadn't quite made up my mind before we left. They put me in this nifty yellow trailer that Jill (she's in this picture with Mama Melissa) brought along, and I got to sit up in my carseat and see everything.

What could be cooler than that?!? Especially since I didn't have to pedal, and I could suck my thumb whenever I wanted. The only thing I didn't like was stopping, so I screamed until Mama Melissa rode on. (This screaming thing is very should try it sometime.)

We stopped halfway through and I had my lunch while everyone else had something called gelato. It looked good -- I don't know why nobody gave me any.

I had fun meeting everyone in the group, and once again, I got to be the center of attention!
Can't wait for the next ride....


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day! Levi is so lucky to have such amazing parents. We should all get our children riding so early in life. Makes for a peaceful world.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to meeting Levi and getting together with both Mommies again. We'll have to go cycling when I'm back in DC....let's bundle up in Craft woolies 'cause it brrrrrrrr......