Friday, September 23, 2005

Gotta Love These Alternative Families...

I was thinking today about what a lucky guy I am. I was particularly thinking about this photograph that Michelle took for Julio before he leaves for his round-the world trek. (Tio mommies and I are going to miss you very much!) I love the whole idea of my mommies and I posing with their beloved friend & my 'biological uncle.' Julio pointed out how in some ways the photo captures the essence of our family; my mommies are looking at me while he is looking at the camera. Or maybe that's just because Tio Julio loves to be the center of attention. Wait a minute... I'm supposed to be the center of attention! Me, me, everyone look at me!

We're very lucky to have wondeful people in both our families of origin and our families of choice. And, I'm very lucky that my mommies' choice of my 'biological uncle' might mean that I get to become a Brazilian citizen!!

One more photo credit for the wonderful Michelle Frankfurter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Michelle! She sure can capture the essence of a personality or situation, can't she? What a great, and very funny, picture.